Mental Health Workshops
With an increasing expectation for professionals to undertake Continuing Professional Development regardless of industry sector, job role or responsibilities.
Our mental health workshops provide a powerful learning tool that professionals from across all industries can apply to their lives to remain focused on improving skills.
They are both interactive and evidence based, alongside being a great way to either start or continue the conversation about various aspects of mental health in the workplace.
How to Make Mental Health a Priority
A survey of 3,156 working adults across the UK, conducted in October 2023 by YouGov on behalf of Deloitte.
Found that 60% of employees expect support from senior leadership and managers but in reality, 70% of employees say support is coming from peers.
This workshop combines the latest research with clinical guidelines specifically aimed at helping managers to think about what prevents mental health from becoming a priority.
We’ll talk about the cost of mental illness in the workplace, legislation and how to measure return on investment from employee wellbeing activity.
Attendees will learn tried and tested, methods to promote psychological safety, improve mental health literacy and where to guide employees to professional help, both in and outside of the workplace.
Movement and Mental Health
44% of UK SME’s do not currently provide opportunities for their employees to be active during the working day.
At the same time 63% of respondents to the CIPD’s Health and Wellbeing at Work Survey said that mental health was the leading cause of long term sickness absence lasting 4 weeks or longer.
We know there’s an intrinsic link between physical and mental health. You may have experienced it as runner high, the sensation of euphoria after yoga or the feeling that all of your worries have somehow lifted following a walk in nature.
In this workshop we explain the role of hormones and the clinical evidence that supports why you should move more for your mental health.
We crescendo with a practical takeaway in the form of a Pranayama (energising breath work) that demonstrates how changing the way we breathe can improve mental health.
Men’s Mental Health
In 2023 there were 7063 deaths by suicide registered in the UK.
This represents an 8.6% increase when compared to 2022 and of this number as with previous years 75% were men.
Men are also more likely to have a cause of death linked directly to alcohol and disproportionately impacted by loneliness.
In this workshop we’ll explore some of these issues in more detail with a view to opening up the discussion around then impact of stigma and the practicalities of addressing the problems that affect men most.
Menopause and Mental Health
With a 1 in 7 chance of living to 100, the menopause may only be the halfway point for many women.
Consequently, this also means that a significant part of the menopause transition will take place during a Womens working life. Sometimes with profound psychological effects.
For example, in 2023 women aged 50-54 were the age group most likely to die by suicide.
During this workshop we explore the effects of the menopause on mental health alongside the practical steps men can take to be better allies in the workplace.
The Road to Resilience
According to the Health and Safety Executive we lost 17.1 million working days lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2022/23.
Resilience is the ability to self-regulate and adapt to on going changes in our environment.
It’s a skill, which just like a muscle can be targeted, trained and strengthened over time.
In this workshop we explore the practicalities of stress management in the workplace including the relationship between pressure and performance, the window of tolerance and how to avoid unhelpful coping strategies.